What is Branded Website
Branded websites are a website designed to showcase what your company offers and guide potential customers into becoming leads by calling you directly or filling out a contact form. What branded websites do not do is offer extra functionalities like a checkout, scheduling, or other functionality requiring further integrations of other software or custom web development.
How to get started
When you start your new branded website with us we begin with a call with one of our creative directors. They will go over in detail your companies highlights and messaging. From your unique selling proposition (USP) to the primary goals of your website. By developing a brand manual including fonts and colors, your brand can look uniform anywhere it is found online. Graphic design, user experience, and website design are usually completed within the first one to two weeks on a new website design project.
Staging Domain
When you and your creative director have agreed on a design to move forward with, our web development team gets to work building a new website for you in a staging domain like rsk.clickflame.org. This allows us to do all the coding and testing we need to do without impacting your current website until we are ready to launch.
Revise & Launch Your Website
During the process of designing a new website with us, we will ask for a couple of rounds of revisions. This will be done on the creative side and the coding side. Upon receiving final approval, we aim to launch your website at a time there is not likely to be as much traffic on it. While most sites are only down an hour or so during this process, we don’t want you to miss any traffic during the migration of your new website if you don’t have to. Also, on larger sites with heavy traffic, we always launch the site overnight so that your site is getting as little traffic as possible during any downtime.

Powerful Website Design
Website design and development are at the core of what we do. We make extra certain to optimize everything possible on a new website. Great-looking websites are well, great to look at, but without the proper optimization, they will miss a large percentage of potential opportunities. We bring the best of website design and website development together to give your business all the tools it needs to succeed in digital marketing.
Areas We Cover:
- User Experience
- Metadata
- Schema Markup
- Caching
- Code Minification
- XML Sitemap
- On-Site Search Engine Optimization
- Headers
- Alt Text
- Image Optimization
- & More!
Our Websites Stand the Test of Time
Many people we meet that have already designed a website, or a few websites, identify that the last thing they want to do is design a new website with us only to do another in a year or two. We design our websites to last for many years and stand the test of time. By utilizing only the most current and up-to-date technology and code this is something we excel at. Trust that your website will be able to convert your business to new leads and sales for many years to come when you design a new website with us here at Clickflame.